Exercises
5 Thank you for having me.
6 Why don't you come over?
9 I'll take a few days off.
13 What was I supposed to do?
14 The film is worth watching.
Slovo barbecue se často v psané angličtině zkracuje na pouhé BBQ.
Označte podle úvodních článků, co je pravda (true) a nepravda (false).
Spojte odpovídající výroky.
- 1 Give me a hand.
- 2 Give me a call.
- 3 Let me see it.
- 4 You're welcome.
- 5 Feel free to come.
- 6 Give him my regards.
- 7 It'll do.
- 8 Give it a try.
- a Ukaž mi to.
- b Pozdravuj ho ode mne.
- c To bude stačit.
- d Zkus to.
- e Zavolej mi.
- f Pomoz mi.
- g Není zač.
- h Klidně přijď.
Obrat I'll give you that. znamená To se musí nechat., To musím uznat.
1 Znám ho už 5 let. I've him 5 years.
2 Bylo mi řečeno, abych počkal. I have told wait.
3 Měl by být potrestán. He be punished.
4 Mému bratrovi ukradli auto. My brother's car was .
5 Nebudu moci přijít. I be to come.
6 Jeli jsme autem. We car.
7 Vstávám v sedm. (běžně) I up 7 a.m.
8 Kde ses narodil? Where you ?
9 Mluví se tam anglicky. English is there.
10 Kdybych byl tebou... If I you ...
Doplňte správný tvar slova z nápovědy.
Převeďte věty do trpného rodu.
1 They'll sell their house. - Their house .
2 They've spent all the money. - All the money .
3 People saw him with her. - He with her.
4 Their boss fired them. - They by their boss.
5 They'll build new houses soon. - New houses soon.
6 Jane brought it. - It by Jane.
7 Nobody knows his name. - His name .
8 Two men found it. - It by two men.
9 They've told me to ask him. - I've to ask him.
10 John wrote the e-mail. - The e-mail by John.
Obrat by means of ... znamená pomocí... (za užití jistého prostředku). Např.: He was informed by means of e-mail. - Byl informován prostřednictvím e-mailu.
Vyberte vhodnou předložku.
3 It'll be ready
by/till/for the time you come back.
9 The radio is too loud. Can you turn it
10 The attack was carried
off/into/out by three men.
Spojte související výroky.
- 1 He was fired ...
- 2 He met her in college ...
- 3 He'd love to buy it ...
- 4 I'll let you know ...
- 5 If I don't get into college ...
- 6 I wrote to him ...
- 7 He was promoted ...
- 8 I wanted to call you ...
- a but my phone broke down.
- b as soon as I find out.
- c I'll have to get a job.
- d and he hasn't found a job yet.
- e and he'll get a rise.
- f and he fell in love with her.
- g but he didn't get my message.
- h but he can't afford it.
2 She has two little kids and must look
after/into/on them.
1 Myslím, že ne. I don't think .
2 Doufám, že ne. I hope .
3 Máš hlad? - Ani ne. Are you hungry? - Not .
4 Lepší se to. It's better.
5 Nechám to opravit. I'll it fixed.
6 Jak se tomu říká? What is it ?
7 Nechali si to vyrobit. They it made.
8 Byl jsem nucen to udělat. I was do it.
9 Jak se to dělá? How is it ?
10 Nevzali ho. (do práce) He wasn't .
Utvořte ze slov věty v uvedeném čase.
1 I, cannot come future simple
2 the house, be sold present perfect
3 she, cannot walk past simple
4 we, must stay there past simple
5 I, never be there present perfect
6 you, must wait future simple
7 he, can help us future simple
8 why, you, sit here? present continuous
9 we, meet before present perfect
10 how, he do it? present simple
11 I, sleep at home past simple
12 cars, make there past passive
13 I, read it present perfect
14 she, go there, often present simple
15 English, speak here present passive
Přeložte. Použijte nápovědu.
1 Byla přijata na vysokou.
2 Brzy bude maturovat. (on)
3 Učím se na zkoušku.
4 Chodil jsem do kurzu angličtiny.
5 Ve škole jí to jde.; Dobře se učí.
do well
6 Dostal trojku z matematiky.
8 Získal vysokoškolský titul.
9 Udělal jsem tu zkoušku.
10 Neudělal zkoušku.
Sloveso fail znamená selhat, neuspět ap., ale formálně ho lze obecně užít, pokud někdo či něco nevykoná činnost, kterou má či měl. Např. The car failed to start. - Auto nenastartovalo., He failed to attend. - Nedostavil se., Nezúčastnil se. ap.
Přeložte. Soustřeďte se na užití gerundia.
1 I'm afraid of losing it.
2 Getting there isn't easy.
3 I hate shopping for clothes.
4 Telling her would be a mistake.
5 It hasn't stopped raining.
6 He complains about being poor.
7 We enjoy being together.
8 I spent the day watching TV.
9 We couldn't help laughing.
10 Going there at night isn't safe.
11 I remember her telling him that.
12 I avoid driving in heavy traffic.
Heavy znamená těžký, ale užívá se též o něčem silném (intenzivním). Např.: heavy rain - silný déšť, heavy traffic - silný provoz, heavy smoker - silný kuřák ap.
Uspořádejte slova do vět podle běžného anglického slovosledu.
1 7 a.m. - get up - I - at - day - every.
2 you - like - for - would - breakfast - what?
3 been - New York - she - to - never - has.
4 am - going - do - it - I - to - myself.
5 tonight - cinema - to - go - the - let's.
6 you - when - back - be - will - school - tomorrow - from?
7 known - we - other - have - each - 10 years - for.
8 mind - wouldn't - I - you - really - if - stayed.
Slovo affordable je složenina ze slov afford (dovolit si) + able (schopný něčeho), tedy takový, který si může (běžný) člověk finančně dovolit, tedy cenově dostupný ap.
Utvořte otázky. Ptejte se na zvýrazněná slova.
1 I've been here for two days.
2 He should be back in an hour.
3 It would cost 200 dollars.
4 There'll be just a few people.
5 He is afraid of meeting her.
6 He goes there once a week.
7 I didn't tell anybody about it.
8 George told them about it.
9 It's going to take one week.
10 We've been there at least twice.
Odpovězte celou větou podle slov z nápovědy.
Doplňte vhodně slova: text, speak, message, speaking, make, go, put, repeat.
1 Can I use your phone? I need to a phone call.
2 Hello? This is Mr. Hills. Who's ?
3 She isn't answering my calls. I'm going to her.
4 He isn't here at the moment. Can I take a ?
5 Sorry, I can't hear you well. Can you up please?
6 Can I speak to John? - Hold on a second. I'll him on.
7 I didn't understand. Can you that?
8 I've got to now. I'll call you later.
Obrat You're breaking up. můžete slyšet v kontextu volání (mobilním telefonem) a lze jej přeložit jako Vypadává signál. nebo Ztrácíš se mi. (Chvílemi tě neslyším.)
Přeložte podmínkové věty - first a second conditional. Využijte nápovědu.
Doplňte do vět tvary slovesa do nebo make.
8 Who will the dishes after dinner?
9 These cars are in Japan.
10 The storm a lot of damage.
Spojte výroky, které mají opačný význam.
- 1 He's got a job.
- 2 He got angry.
- 3 They got married.
- 4 They're enjoying it.
- 5 She works really hard.
- 6 He's very hungry.
- 7 She has three siblings.
- 8 She's lost it.
- 9 They haven't arrived yet.
- a She's an only child.
- b They're tired of it.
- c He's eaten.
- d She's found it.
- e He's unemployed.
- f He calmed down.
- g They've left already.
- h They got divorced.
- i She's very lazy.
Doplňte anglické to tam, kde je třeba.
1 I've promised give it her.
2 I'll let them know in time.
3 Ask him call me during the day.
4 I'm looking forward seeing them.
5 I go jogging every day.
6 I'm not used getting up early.
7 He was made leave. I'll make him come back.
8 I must go now. I'll help you find it later.
9 She called ask me help her.
10 We had be quiet so as not disturb them.
Do you get the joke? (Můžete užít slovník.) Teacher: Why are you talking during my lesson? – Student: Why are you teaching during my conversation?
Doplňte správný tvar slova z nápovědy.
Poslechněte si nahrávku a doplňte chybějící údaje.
Řekněte anglicky. Použijte nápovědu.
2 Sejdeme se u mě (doma).
my place
3 Řekni mu, ať to neposílá.
not; send
4 Vypadá to zajímavě.
5 Prosil jsem ho, aby ti dal vědět.
let know
7 Co takhle dát si skleničku?
8 To by bylo mnohem lepší.
9 Nechce se mi tam jít.
feel like
10 To je ale překvapení!
1 Nechodím moc do divadla. I'm not much of a .
2 Vzal si studentskou půjčku. He a student loan.
3 Hrozně rád bych to viděl. I'd to see that.
4 Dostanu přidáno. I'll get a pay .
5 Dávám přednost pivu před vínem. I beer to wine.
6 Je vyšší než já. He's than me.
7 Pořád mě o to prosí. He asking me for it.
8 Doufejme, že to vyjde. Let's hope that it comes .
9 Potřebuji se odreagovat. I need to take my off things.
10 Najít práci není snadné. a job isn't easy.
7 Nic se nezměnilo. (dosud)
13 Měl by se brzy vrátit.
15 Museli jsme na něj počkat.
16 Nemělo by to trvat dlouho.