

1 He fell ill.
2 She's unwell.
3 I have a headache.
4 She was injured.
5 I can hardly move.
6 I try to eat healthily.
7 We're much better off now.
8 Get well soon!
9 It can easily be done.
10 I wasn't listening.
11 We weren't expecting you.
12 He was taken to hospital.
13 Keep smiling!
14 I'm coming down with something.
15 You should see a doctor immediately.

Uspořádejte slova do vět podle běžného anglického slovosledu.

1 late - work - never - he's - for.
2 great - was - weather - the - yesterday - really.
3 time - what - they - be - back - will?
4 fluently - speaks - wife - 3 languages - my.
5 go - very - we - don't - there - often.
6 have - we - other - known - each - 10 years - for.
7 in our town - be built - a new school - will - next year.
8 seldom - meet - they - on weekdays - friends - their.
9 it - about - he - last - week - at - spoke - the meeting.
10 shall - where - next time - do it - we?

Obrat speak fluently lze též vyjádřit pomocí přídavného jména be fluent in ... Např. He speaks Spanish fluently. nebo He's fluent in Spanish. nebo též He speaks fluent Spanish. (Mluví plynulou španělštinou.).

Spojte související výroky.

  • 1 He tries to keep fit.
  • 2 I try to eat healthily.
  • 3 Has he recovered yet?
  • 4 I have a toothache.
  • 5 What are your symptoms?
  • 6 She's off sick.
  • 7 I'll prescribe you some pills.
  • 8 I had a heart attack.
  • a I have a fever and headache.
  • b She's down with the flu.
  • c How do I take them?
  • d I don't eat junk food.
  • e I have to see my dentist.
  • f I was operated on.
  • g He works out all the time.
  • h No, but he's much better now.

Spojení be sick znamená být nemocný, ale běžně se užívá, když je někomu špatně od žaludku nebo zvrací. Např. He's off sick. - Je na nemocenské. (Není v práci.), ALE She was sick this morning. - Dneska ráno zvracela. Spojení the sick jsou nemocní (souhrnně). Např.: They look after the sick. - Starají se o nemocné.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 We worked hard/hardly.
2 I heard it clear/clearly.
3 He could hard/hardly walk.
4 The planes fly high/highly.
5 I haven't seen her late/lately.
6 They're high/highly paid.
7 Speak more slow/slowly.
8 Hurry! We'll be late/lately.
9 It's near/nearly 5 p.m.
10 We'll meet as usual/usually.
11 You look beautiful/beautifully.
12 It smells nice/nicely.
13 It will do nice/nicely.
14 I feel strange/strangely.
15 It sounds very interesting/interestingly.

Try hard znamená usilovně se snažit. Např.: Try harder! - Víc se snaž! ap.

Doplňte do vět druhý či třetí stupeň příslovcí. Zopakujte si jejich význam.

1 He's feeling much well now.
2 Can you speak slow please?
3 He ran fast of all the boys.
4 I came off badly than the rest.
5 It can be done easy this way.
6 It was little expensive last time.

Utvořte ze slov věty v minulém čase průběhovém.

we, listen to the radio
my wife, watch TV
they, all, still sleep
the kids, run around
I, just, get dressed
his, mum, prepare dinner
cars, make a lot of noise
what, they, look for?
they, wait for you?

Převeďte věty do času minulého průběhového.

1 He didn't expect that.
2 We'll watch TV.
3 Where did you stay?
4 She slept on the floor.
5 Is he still working on it?
6 I'm going to call him.
7 Nobody waited there for us.
8 They didn't look for her.

Spojte odpovídající výroky.

  • 1 He became unwell.
  • 2 Let's get down to business.
  • 3 Our car's broken down.
  • 4 I don't need them anymore.
  • 5 I don't need all of them.
  • 6 I hardly know you.
  • 7 I'm serious.
  • a Už je nepotřebuji.
  • b Nepotřebuji je všechny.
  • c Sotva tě znám.
  • d Udělalo se mu nevolno.
  • e Myslím to vážně.
  • f Porouchalo se nám auto.
  • g Pojďme na to.

Spojení before bed se běžně užívá ve významu před spaním. Např.: Don't exercise before bed. - Necvič(te) před spaním.

Doplňte překlady vět.

1 Dobře se učí. He's doing school.
2 Bolí mě v krku. I have a throat.
3 To zní zajímavě. That sounds .
4 Můžete mluvit pomaleji? Can you speak ?
5 Sejdeme se jako obvykle. We'll meet as .
6 Vypadá to krásně. It looks .
7 Pokud vím, tak je svobodná. As as I know, she is single.
8 Brzy se uzdrav! Get soon!
9 Už tam nechodím. I don't go there .
10 Bývalo to horší. It to be worse.
11 Mluví plynně anglicky. He speaks English.
12 Zranila se. She got .

Doplňte do vět vhodný tvar přídavného jména či příslovce z nápovědy.

1 happy The kids are playing . They look very .
2 angry He seemed . He spoke to her.
3 hard, easy It looked very , but he did it .
4 careful Drive ! You should be more .
5 good They say that I look , but I don't feel .
6 bad We aren't off now, but it's getting .
7 tired He walked and he also felt very .
8 hard I ran so that I can walk now.
9 simple It sounds very and it can be done .
10 nice It feels very . You can sit in it.

Odpovězte kladně a záporně. Použijte krátké odpovědi.

1 Are you waiting for me? - Yes, - No, .
2 Have you sent the e-mail? - Yes, - No, .
3 Does she like it? - Yes, - No, .
4 Can I have one? - Yes, - No, .
5 Do you know her? - Yes, - No, .
6 Did he bring it? - Yes, - No, .
7 Would you do it? - Yes, - No, .
8 Will you give me a lift? - Yes, - No, .

Lift je též odvoz (svezení). Např.: I'll give you a lift. - Svezu tě.

Doplňte druhou větu tak, aby měla opačný význam.

1 It takes a lot of time. - It takes only a time.
2 I've never been there. - I've been there times.
3 There were many people. - There were a people.
4 It'll cost a little more money. - It'll cost a little money.
5 It'll take two hours at most. - It'll take two hours.
6 None of them knew that. - of them knew that.
7 They're much better off now. - They're much now.
8 He can easily do it. - He can do it.
9 It cost a small amount of money. - It cost a amount of money.

Přeložte. Použijte nápovědu.

1 Neposlouchal jsem tě.
2 V poslední době jsem ho neviděl.
3 Nezklam mě.
let down
4 Nezabere to víc než hodinu.
5 Byl jsem tam už několikrát.
6 Neviděl jsem ho odejít.
7 Chodíval jsem tam o víkendu.
used to
8 Leží s chřipkou. (ona)
9 Nikdy jsem je neslyšel se hádat.
10 Většina z nich to neví.

Obrat: He had it coming. lze přeložit jako Říkal si o to. nebo Koledoval si o to.

Vyberte vhodné slovo.

1 It seems very strange for/to/at me.
2 They've known each other since/till/for 2008.
3 I'll wait within/until/for he comes.
4 I find it quit/quiet/quite interesting.
5 It's used by much/many/few more people.
6 She doesn't work here no longer/anymore/no more.
7 We no/much/any longer need it.
8 She hardly never/sometimes/ever comes here.
9 I wasn't feeling well of/in/at all.
10 He gave me some pills to recover/reduce/skip my temperature.

Hovorový obrat: to be on the pill znamená česky brát (antikoncepční) prášky. Např. She's on the pill. - Bere prášky.

Řekněte anglicky.

1 Snažím se jíst zdravě.
2 Cítíte se dobře?
3 Pracovala opravdu tvrdě.
4 Zranil se.
5 Už je mu mnohem lépe.
6 Sotva se známe.
7 Pojedeme výtahem.
8 Půjdu po schodech.
9 Málokdy se vídáme.
10 Lze to snadno udělat.
11 Chystal jsem se ti zavolat.
12 Nestresujte se.
13 Zůstanu co nejdéle.
14 Díky - Není zač.

Sloveso take lze užít nejen o dopravním prostředku, ale obecně o způsobu cestování. Např.: take the stairs - jít po schodech, take the highway - jet po dálnici, take a shortcut - jít zkratkou ap. Obrat: Do you take sugar? - odpovídá českému Sladíte? (cukrem). Můžete odpovědět třeba: I don't take sugar (in my coffee) - (Kávu si) nesladím. Můžete říct též jen: No sugar for me.