breath(ing), respiration
Zadrž dech.
Hold your breath.
Nemohu popadnout dech.
I'm out/short of breath.
aɪm aʊt/ʃɔːt əv brεθ
Lapal po dechu.
He was gasping/struggling for breath.
hɪ wɒz gɑːspɪŋ/ˈstrʌglɪŋ fə brεθ
vyrazit dech komu (ránou)
wind sb
vyrazit dech komu (udivit)
take sb's breath away
teɪk brεθ əˈweɪ
Vyrazila si dech.
She winded herself.
Ta zpráva mi vyrazila dech.
The news took my breath away., I was struck speechless by the news.
Z toho se tají dech.
That takes your breath away.
Šetři s dechem.
Save your breath.
seɪv jɔː brεθ
They are running out of steam.