pozdravit, pozdravovat
koho greet sb , (hovor.) say hello to sb , (formálním gestem) salute sb
Jdi je/se s nimi pozdravit.
Go say hello to them., Go greet them.
Pozdravili jsme se, ale...
We exchanged greetings but...
wiː ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒd ˈgriːtɪŋz bət
Ani mě nepozdravil.
He didn't even greet me., He didn't even say hello/hi to me.
hɪ ˈdɪdnt ˈiːvn griːt miːˌ hɪ ˈdɪdnt ˈiːvn seɪ hεˈləʊ/haɪ tə miː
Vstoupila, aniž by pozdravila.
She entered without saying hello.
Pozdravuj ode mě...
Give my regards to..., Tell ... I said hi.
gɪv maɪ rɪˈgɑːdz təˌ tεl ... aɪ sεd haɪ
Pozdravuj je ode mne.
Give them my regards., Say hi to them for me., (hovor.) Tell them I said hi.
gɪv ðəm maɪ rɪˈgɑːdzˌ seɪ haɪ tə ðəm fə miːˌ tεl ðəm aɪ sεd haɪ
John vás všechny pozdravuje.
John says hi to everyone.