zmínit (se)
o kom/čem mention sb/sth , (letmo) touch (up)on sth , (podotknout) remark on sth
Jak jsem už zmínil...
As I have mentioned before...
əz aɪ hæv ˈmεnʃənd bɪˈfɔː
Ani se o tom nezmínil.
He didn't even mention it.
Teď, když se o tom zmiňujete...
Now that you mention it...
naʊ ðæt juː ˈmεnʃən ɪt
To nestojí za zmínku.
It's not worth a mention., It's not worth mentioning.
ɪts nɒt wɜːθ ə ˈmεnʃənˌ ɪts nɒt wɜːθ ˈmεnʃənɪŋ