
together, (celkem) altogether, in total

Snažím se to dát dohromady.
I'm trying to put it together.
aɪm ˈtraɪɪŋ tə pʊt ɪt təˈgεðə
Svedla je dohromady náhoda.
They were thrown together by accident., They were brought together by accident.
ðeɪ wɜː θrəʊn təˈgεðə baɪ ˈæksɪdəntˌ ðeɪ wɜː brɔːt təˈgεðə baɪ ˈæksɪdənt
Dohromady tam bylo 40 lidí.
There were forty people altogether.
ðεə wɜː ˈfɔːtɪ ˈpiːpl ˌɔːltəˈgεðə
Budeme to mít dohromady.
We will share it.
wiː wɪl ʃεə ɪt
Dej se dohromady! (seber se)
Get yourself together!, Pull yourself together!
gεt jɔːˈsεlf təˈgεðə!ˌ pʊl jɔːˈsεlf təˈgεðə!
Dali se dohromady s... (pro společný cíl)
They made common cause with..., They joined forces with..., They went in with...
ðeɪ meɪd ˈkɒmən kɔːz wɪθˌ ðeɪ ˈdʒɔɪnd fɔːsɪz wɪθˌ ðeɪ wεnt ɪn wɪθ
Dáme hlavy dohromady.
Let's put our heads together.
lεts pʊt aʊə hεdz təˈgεðə
Přejete si platit zvlášť nebo dohromady?
Would you like to pay separately or together?
wʊd juː laɪk tə peɪ ˈsεprɪtlɪ ɔː təˈgεðə?