dostat se
kam get swh , reach sth , odkud get out of sth
Jak se dostanu do...?
How do I get to...?
haʊ dʊ aɪ gεt tə?
Dostanu se tam autem?
Can I get there by car?
Nemůžu se dostat dovnitř.
I can't get inside.
Dostal se do potíží.
He got into trouble., He got into difficulty.
hɪ gɒt ˈɪntə ˈtrʌblˌ hɪ gɒt ˈɪntə ˈdɪfɪkltɪ
K tomu se dostanu později.
I will come to that later.
Takhle se nikam nedostaneme. (v řešení ap.)
This will get us nowhere.
Na každého se dostane.
There's enough for everyone.
Z toho se dostaneš. (z nemoci ap.)
You'll recover., You'll get over it.
Jak ses k tomu dostal?
How did you come to/by it?
haʊ dɪd juː kʌm tə/baɪ ɪt?
Dostala se mi do ruky jeho nová knížka.
His new book came into my hands.
Dostala se na vysokou (školu)?
Did she get into university?, Was she admitted to university?
Nedostal se mezi nejlepších deset.
He didn't make it into the top ten.
... a tím se dostáváme k...
... and that brings us to...
... ænd ðæt brɪŋz əs tə