co komu pass sb sth, sth to sb , (sundat shora) reach sth down, (úředně) file sth
Podal byste mi sůl?
Would you pass me the salt?, Would you hand me the salt?
Podej mi to.
Pass it to me.
Podej mi ruku! (pomůžu ti)
Give me your hand!
Podali jsme si ruce. (potřásli)
We shook hands.
Podáme stížnost.
We'll file a complaint.
Podala výpověď. (v práci)
She handed in her notice.
Podal (si) žádost o...
He applied for...
hɪ əˈplaɪd fə
Podal jsem si přihlášku na VŠ.
I applied for admission to university.
Podáme na něj žalobu.
We are going to press charges against him., We are going to file a suit against him.
Podali dobrý výkon.
They performed well., They gave a good performance.
Snídaně se podává od 6 hodin.
Breakfast is served from 6 a.m.
Podáváš. (v tenise ap.)
It's your serve.
Hrozně si ho podali.
They gave him a terrible going-over.
Šéf si ho pěkně podá. (sprdne)
The boss will chew/sort him out., The boss will give him a going-over.
ðə bɒs wɪl tʃuː/sɔːt hɪm aʊtˌ ðə bɒs wɪl gɪv hɪm ə ˈgəʊɪŋˈəʊvə