take (up), (projevit účinek) work
Zabral mi (moji) židli.
He took my seat.
Zabírá to moc místa.
It takes up too much space.
Zabere to hodně času.
It will take a lot of time., It's time-consuming.
Jak dlouho ti to zabere?
How long will it take you?
Dlouho to nezabere.
It won't take long.
Prášek nezabral.
The pill didn't work.
Lék už zabírá. (začíná účinkovat)
The drug is taking effect., The drug is kicking in.
Zaber! (táhni)
Pull harder!
Zaber! (tlač)
Push harder!
Zaber! (zrychli)
Step on it!, Pick it up!
Zaber trošku (silou)!
Put some elbow grease into it!
Musíme pořádně zabrat. (v práci ap.)
We must pull out all the stops.
Dalo mi to zabrat. (unavilo ap.)
It took a lot out of me., It (quite) exhausted me.
Ti mi dávají pěkně zabrat.
They are giving me a really hard time.
Zabral jsem se do čtení...
I became absorbed in reading...
aɪ bɪˈkeɪm əbˈzɔːbd ɪn ˈriːdɪŋ