sit, be sitting, (vyhovovat) suit
Seďte., Zůstaňte sedět.
Remain seated.
rɪˈmeɪn siːtɪd
Sedí se vám pohodlně?
Are you sitting comfortably?
Nechce se mi sedět doma.
I don't want to sit around at home.
Za to půjde sedět.
That will land him in jail.
Sedí za loupež.
He is doing time for robbery.
Tohle ti sedí.
This fits you great.
Jak to sedí?
How does it fit?
To sedí. (výstižné ap.)
That's very apt., Well expressed!
Look who's talking!, You can talk!
Tady něco nesedí.
Something is wrong here., Something is off.
Auto sedí dobře na silnici.
The car holds the road well.