as long as, so long as, (zatímco) while
Dokud nebudeš hotový...
Until/till you have finished...
ʌnˈtɪl/tɪl juː hæv ˈfɪnɪʃt
Dokud bude pršet, zůstaneme doma.
As long as it's raining, we'll stay at home.
Počkám, dokud nepřijdeš.
I'll wait until/till you come.
aɪl weɪt ʌnˈtɪl/tɪl juː kʌm
Dokud jsem tu/tady budu já...
As long as I am here...
əz lɒŋ əz aɪ əm hɪə
Budu si to pamatovat, dokud budu žít.
I will remember it as long as I live.