1(do ruky ap.) take, (popadnout) grab, (telefon) get
Mám to vzít s sebou?
Shall I take it with me?
Vezmi s sebou manželku.
Take your wife with you.
Vem (ten) telefon! (zvonící)
Pick up the phone!, Get the phone!
Vezmi ho do náručí.
Take him into your arms.
Vezmi to oběma rukama.
Take it with both your hands.
Vzala mě za ruku.
She took me by the hand.
Měl bys vzít benzin.
You should refuel., (AmE) You should get gas.
juː ʃʊd riːˈfjuːəlˌ juː ʃʊd gεt gæs
Vezmi to jedno po druhém.
Take it one by one.
Kde ses tu vzal?
Where did you spring from?, How did you get here?
Vzal na sebe vinu za...
He took the blame for...
hɪ tʊk ðə bleɪm fə
Vzali mě na hůl.
They ripped me off., They rooked me.
Na to vem jed!
You bet!, Betcha!
vzít do zaječích/nohy na ramena/roha
take to one's heels, make a bolt for it, do a runner
teɪk tə hiːlzˌ meɪk ə bəʊlt fə ɪtˌ dʊ ə ˈrʌnə
2(odebrat) take sth away from sb , (zbavit) deprive sb of sth
Proč jsi mu to vzal?
Why did you take it away from him?
Vzali mi peněženku.
They took my wallet.
ðeɪ tʊk maɪ ˈwɒlɪt
Vzali mu řidičák.
He had his (driving) licence revoked.
3(odvést) take, (zavézt autem ap.) drive sb swh
Vezmu vás tam.
I'll take you there.
Mohl byste mě vzít do...? (svézt)
Could you take me to...?, Could you give me a lift to...?
kʊd juː teɪk miː tə?ˌ kʊd juː gɪv miː ə lɪft tə?
Nepotřebuješ někam vzít? (hodit)
Do you need a lift/ride?
dʊ juː niːd ə lɪft/raɪd?
Vzal jsem ji na večeři.
I took her out to dinner.
4(pochopit) take, (nahlížet na) view
Vzal to osobně.
He took it personally.
Podle toho, jak se to vezme.
It depends on how you look at it.
Museli jsme vzít zavděk...
We had to settle for...
wiː hæd tə ˈsεtl fə
Dost ho to vzalo.
He was quite shaken by it.
Vezmu to za tebe. (zaskočím)
I'll fill in for you., I'll stand in for you.
Vezmeme to zkratkou.
Let's take a shortcut.
Vezměte do úvahy, že...
Take into account that..., Take into consideration that..., Allow for...
teɪk ˈɪntə əˈkaʊnt ðætˌ teɪk ˈɪntə kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən ðætˌ əˈlaʊ fə
celkem vzato
altogether, on the whole, all in all, by and large, in sum, all things considered
ˌɔːltəˈgεðəˌ ɒn ðə həʊlˌ ɔːl ɪn ɔːlˌ baɪ ænd lɑːdʒˌ ɪn sʌmˌ ɔːl θɪŋz kənˈsɪdəd