Bolí mě zub.
I have a toothache.
aɪ hæv ə ˈtuːθˌeɪk
Vyčistil sis zuby?
Have you brushed your teeth?
Vyrazil mu čtyři zuby.
He knocked out four of his teeth.
Má umělé zuby.
She has false/artificial teeth.
ʃɪ hæz fɔːls/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl tiːθ
Dáme si něco na zub.
Let's have a bite to eat.
I am fed up with it., I am sick (and tired) of it.
Umíš držet jazyk za zuby?
Can you hold your tongue?
Darovanému koni na zuby nehleď.
Never/Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
ˈnεvə/dəʊnt lʊk ə gɪft hɔːs ɪn ðə maʊθ
zatnout/zatínat zuby
grit/clench one's teeth
grɪt/klεntʃ tiːθ
po zuby ozbrojený
armed to the teeth