hodit se
suit, (ladit ap.) match, (k sobě) go together
To se mi hodí.
It suits me fine.
To se nehodí. (nesluší)
It's not appropriate.
Kdy by se vám to hodilo?
When would suit you?
wεn wʊd sjuːt juː?
To se mi/nám vůbec nehodí.
It doesn't suit me/us at all.
ɪt ˈdʌznt sjuːt miː/əs æt ɔːl
To se může hodit.
It may come in handy.
Hodil by se mi nový mobil.
I could use a new cellphone.
Hodí se k sobě.
They go together (well)., They are a good match.
Tenisky se k obleku nehodí.
Sneakers don't go (well) with a suit.
Tahle barva se hodí k nábytku.
This colour matches the furniture well.
Na tu práci se nehodí.
He's the wrong man for the job., He isn't cut out for the job.
hiːz ðə rɒŋ mæn fə ðə dʒɒbˌ hɪ ˈɪznt kʌt aʊt fə ðə dʒɒb
Nehodící se škrtněte.
Delete as required., Delete where not applicable.
malinger, fake illness, (hovor.) swing the lead
məˈlɪŋgəˌ feɪk ˈɪlnɪsˌ swɪŋ ðə liːd