1(bez společníka ap.) alone, on one's own, by oneself
Nemůžeš tam jít sám.
You can't go there alone.
Žije sama.
She lives alone., She lives on her own.
Chci být sám.
I want to be alone.
Byli jsme sami.
We were alone.
2(bez cizí pomoci) oneself, (z vlastního popudu) of one's own accord
Připravila to sama.
She prepared it herself.
Šlo to (skoro) samo. (snadno)
It went swimmingly., It went just like that.
Cukr sám o sobě neškodí.
Sugar as such isn't bad.
udělej si sám
do it yourself
dʊ ɪt jɔːˈsεlf
Odešel sám od sebe.
He left of his own accord.
3(zdůraznění) oneself, (jako takový) as such
Ty jsi to sám řekl.
You said it yourself.
Sám otec se toho bál.
Father himself was afraid of it.
Budova sama je stará.
The building itself is old.
Sám jsem byl překvapený.
I was surprised myself.
Buď sám sebou.
Be yourself!
Starej se sám o sebe. (nestarej se)
Mind your own business!
To se rozumí samo sebou.
It goes without saying.
ɪt gəʊz wɪˈðaʊt ˈseɪɪŋ
Samo sebou! (samozřejmě)
Of course!