influence [ˈɪnflʊəns]

vliv, ovlivnit, ovlivňovat
Don't be/get influenced by it.
Nenech se tím ovlivnit.
He exercises his influence on ...
Uplatňuje svůj vliv na...
They exert significant influence over ...
Výrazně ovlivňují ...
He fell/came under her influence.
Dostal se do jejího vlivu.
He gained influence with some senators.
Získal vliv u některých senátorů.
It has no influence on the outcome.
To nemá na výsledek vliv.
He's a good/bad influence on her.
Má na ni dobrý/špatný vliv.
She is easily influenced.
Nechá se snadno ovlivnit.
That's outside the sphere of his influence.
To je mimo sféru jeho vlivu.
We have little influence over it.
Máme na to malý vliv. (moc to neovlivníme)
I was strongly influenced by it.
To mě silně ovlivnilo.
She's under their influence.
Podléhá jejich vlivu.
He was driving under the influence (of alcohol).
Řídil pod vlivem (alkoholu).
What were your influences?
Co vás ovlivnilo? (v mládí, kariéře ap.)
He has influence with the boss.
Má vliv u šéfa.