
baby/milk teeth
mléčné zuby
permanent teeth
trvalý chrup
set of teeth
teething problems/troubles
počáteční problémy, (přen.) dětské nemoci
wisdom tooth
zub moudrosti
We fought tooth and nail.
Bojovali jsme zuby nehty.
They were armed to the teeth.
Byli po zuby ozbrojení.
The baby is teething.
Dítěti rostou/se prořezávají zoubky.
He bared/showed his teeth.
Vycenil zuby.
Have you brushed your teeth?
Vyčistil sis zuby?
He won by the skin of his teeth.
Vyhrál s odřenýma ušima.
Her teeth chattered.
Drkotala zuby. (zimou)
He clenched his teeth.
Zatnul zuby.
She cut her teeth in ...
Otrkala se v... (získala první zkušenosti)
He had decayed/rotten teeth.
Měl zkažené zuby.
She has false teeth.
Má umělé zuby.
I'm fed up to the teeth with it.
Mám toho už plné zuby.
I had two teeth filled.
Plombovali mi dva zuby.
He was gnashing his teeth.
Skřípal zuby. (frustrovaně ap.)
I got the bit between my teeth.
Zakousl jsem se do toho. (do práce)
He got his teeth into the work.
Zakousl se do práce.
Don't grind your teeth.
Neskřípej zuby.
We have to grit our teeth.
Musíme zatnout zuby. (vydržet ap.)
He had a tooth out/pulled.
Trhali mu zub.
She had her teeth fixed/done.
Nechala si spravit zuby.
In the teeth of competition ...
Navzdory konkurenci...
It was a kick in the teeth for him.
Byla to pro něj velká rána.
It's better than a kick in the teeth.
(Je to) lepší než drátem do oka.
I knocked out two of his teeth.
Vyrazil jsem mu dva zuby.
He has a loose tooth.
Kýve se mu zub.
He's lying through his teeth.
Lže, jako když tiskne.
She sank her teeth into his arm.
Zakousla se mu do ruky.
It sets my teeth on edge.
Leze mi to děsně na nervy.
She has a sweet tooth.
Je mlsná. (má ráda sladké)
He got his teeth whitened.
Nechal si vybělit zuby.
tooth - teeth
Nepravidelné množné číslo slova tooth je teeth ti:T. Nepravidelné jsou také třeba: foot - feet, goose - geese, child - children, mouse - mice, man - men, woman - women.