[sʌn ]
sun hat
klobouk proti slunci (s širší krempou)
a place in the sun
They bask in the sun.
Vyhřívají se na slunci.
He was taking a sun bath.
Opaloval se., Slunil se.
The sun is beating down.
Slunce praží/pálí.
Smoke blotted out the sun.
Kouř zakryl slunce.
The sun broke through.
Slunce se prodralo mezi mraky.
I've caught the sun.
Trošku jsem se chytil. (opálil na slunci)
Wait for the sun to come out.
Počkej, až vyleze sluníčko. (z mraků ap.)
The plant doesn't like full sun.
Rostlina nemá ráda přímé slunce.
These areas will get more sun.
V těchto oblastech bude více svítit slunce.
Go get some sun.
Jdi trošku na sluníčko.
They get up with the sun.
Vstávají za rozbřesku.
The sun has gone in.
Slunce zašlo. (za mraky)
Let's go out into the sun.
Půjdeme na sluníčko. (ven)
She was sunning herself all day.
Slunila se celý den.
The sun was in my eyes.
Slunce mi svítilo do očí. (neviděl jsem ap.)
Keep out of the sun!
Nechoďte na slunce!
It's nothing new under the sun.
Není to nic nového pod sluncem.
The sun is rising.
Slunce (už) vychází.
The sun has set.
Slunce (už) zašlo. (zapadlo)
The sun was shining.
Svítilo slunce.
We were just soaking up the sun.
Jen jsme se vyhřívali na slunci.
He got a touch of the sun.
Dostal lehký úžeh.
The sun is up.
Slunce už vyšlo.